Asked by: Marylene Abreu
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How do I wash an e-cloth?

E-cloth cleaning is simple, easy, and lemon-squeezy (lemons are optional).
  1. To flush the yucky stuff down your drain, hot water is best.
  2. Rinse between uses. Wipe clean. Hang to dry.
  3. Machine Wash upto 140AdegF with a little detergent
  4. Hang the cloths to dry.

How long can an e cloth last if this is considered?

Long as care instructions were followed, our cloths can last for many years. is guaranteed for 300 washings. This will not affect the performance of your cloths.

What is an e cloth, in the same way? E-cloths are made of extremely fine fibres, a 480,000 cm squared. This means that each fibre is approximately a thousand times more fine than cotton. Water molecules are attracted to bacteria and dirt because they are electrically unbalanced. The water-coated particles are attracted to the fibre strands.

Correspondingly, do e cloths kill bacteria?

It's like millions of tiny fingers grasping at everything on your countertops or sink. The cloths have the added benefit of removing over 99% bacteria, including E. These cloths do not kill bacteria but collect it from surfaces.

How can I clean my ecloth mop head?

Wash the Mop Head well and then wring it out. Wipe the Head clean using only water. The Mophead Velcro side down on the floor. Attach the mop Base to the center . As needed, wash the head and attach it again.