Asked by: Zinedine Rovira
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

How did the states ratify it?

When the Congress handed the Constitution to the states for consideration by specially elected state conventions, the ratification process began. Delegates to the New York convention for ratification used this copy of the Constitution.

Therefore, why did the states ratify it?

Instead, Congress instructed the states to call their respective ratification conventions on September 28. Article VII stated that the Constitution must be ratified by nine states before it can take effect.

The next question is: In what order were the states to ratify it? Dates of Ratification

State Date Votes
Delaware December 7, 1787 30
Pennsylvania December 12, 1787 46
New Jersey December 18, 1787 38
Georgia January 2, 1788 26

Who was then for the ratification of the Constitution?

James Madison and Hamilton led lobbying efforts to get votes for the Constitution's ratification. They produced 85 essays, known as "The Federalist Papers", which explained and defended the new government's functioning with the help of John Jay.

How do states ratify constitutional amendments?

(1) The amendment is proposed by both houses with a vote of two-thirds. Three-fourths support it. (4) Two-thirds vote for a Constitution Convention by the Congress. Three-fourths of states approve of the amendment through ratifying conventions.