Asked by: Tari Gatinho
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

How can you tell if a pipette is accurate?

You can easily measure your accuracy by simply pipetting the same volume of water ten time onto a balance and noting the weight. Next, calculate the standard deviation of the dispensed masses and express it as a percentage.

This being said, how do you calculate the accuracy of a pipette's measurements?

Calculate the accuracy using the formula A = 100x Vavg/V0. Here A is the accuracy of your pipette. Vavg is the average volume calculated and V0 is what you want the pipette dispense. Accuracy should range from 99 to 101%.

Also, learn how a pipette is calibrated. The Pipette calibration involves several steps. First, pour distilled water into a glass and then record the temperature. You will also need your pipette and the right tips, based on the volume that the pipette can disperse. The pipette can be considered normal or calibrated if the accuracy value is between 99-101%.

Know which pipette type is the most accurate?

Mohr pipettes, on the other hand, are straight-walled and can be graduated to different volumes, such as 5mL in increments of 0.5mL. A single volume pipette is more precise, with an error of A+-0.1 or 0.2mL.

What factors affect pipetting performance?

Factors that affect the accuracy of Air Displacement Pipettes

  • Temperature. Temperature is crucial for pipetting accuracy.
  • Density. The density is the ratio of liquid's volume to its mass.
  • Altitude. The accuracy of the air pressure is affected by the geographic altitude.