Asked by: Zhisheng Valeiras
Asked in category: business and finance, aviation industry
Last Updated: 11th May 2024

What is the life expectancy of basic Med?

Aviation advocates claim that the third-class medical is only valid for pilots older than 40 years. BasicMed requires you to see the doctor every four years. A third-class medical is valid for five year if you're under 40.

What about the duration of basic Med?

A BasicMed pilot must complete a medical education program every two-year and undergo a medical exam every four-year. He or she will also have to comply with all operating and aircraft restrictions.

Do I have to be a basic medical instructor in order to fly instruct? A: As long as you're flying a covered aircraft, yes. Q25: Can I use BasisMed as a safety pilot instead of holding a medical card? A: If you are acting as PIC and performing the duties required of safety pilot. BasicMed's statutory language stated that it applies only to PIC.

What is basic Med, then?

Pilots can fly with BasicMed if they do not have an FAA medical certificate. You can then complete an online medical course, and you are ready to fly.

What medical conditions is the FAA considering disqualifying?

  • Angina pectoris.
  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Cardiac valve replacement.
  • A coronary heart disease that has been successfully treated, or if not, that is symptomatic or clinically important.
  • Diabetes mellitus requires hypoglycemic medication.