Asked by: Samy Dulcet
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 11th May 2024

How tall do Photinia grow?

While most photinia trees can reach a maturity height of around 20 to 30 feet, some trees, such as Fraser photinia can grow up to 40 feet with no pruning. Photinia trees come in both evergreen and deciduous forms. They have glossy green lance-shaped leaves with serrated edges.

This in mind, is Photinia fast gaining popularity?

Size and Growth Rate Red Tips are fast-growing shrubs that reach 24 to 36 inches in a year. They quickly reach a mature height of 8 to 10 feet. Width is one-half- to two-thirds of the height of unpruned shrubs.

How big are Red Robin trees? A red Robin tree is an evergreen shrub that, if it is not pruned, can reach a height of 4m/13ft with a similar spread. Red Robins grow at an average 30cm/ 1ft per calendar year once they are established. It can be pruned easily to a height of 1.2m/4ft.

What is the growth time of Photinia?

5-12 years

How big are Photinia trees?

around 20 feet