Asked by: Yakeline Spielberg
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

How can you lay pavers over a concrete patio?

As you would for any paver patio, lay the field pavers on concrete. Use a utility knife to remove excess sand. Glue the last border to blocks. Allow the glue to dry for several hours. Then, tamp the pavers with a hammer and then sweep the patio with sand to fill in the gaps.

Similar to concrete, can pavers be laid on top of concrete?

According to paver manufacturers, you can install paving blocks on concrete without mortar by first laying a 1/2a3-1a bed of coarse soil. It is almost identical to placing a paver patio on ground. Make sure that your concrete doesn't puddle before you start.

How do you mortar pavers to concrete in the same way? Install pavers on concrete with a mortar set application. Step 1: Clean concrete surface from all dirt, oil and debris. Let dry. Step 2: Add 1/2" of latex-modified mortar under each paver and attach it to concrete.

How do you cover concrete patios with pavers?


  1. Take the time to explore the site.
  2. Start by placing the pavers in one corner.
  3. Only pick up the pavers that are not in the row at the patio edges.
  4. Spread a thin layer mortar over the concrete by working in small sections.
  5. Spread polymeric sand on the pavers.

Is concrete cheaper than pavers?

For poured concrete, installation costs are usually lower. Pavers take more time to lay each stone, fill the gaps and so are generally more expensive than similar prices per hour.