Asked by: Senda Bailen
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances, home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 15th May 2024

Can my Brita water filter be stored in the refrigerator?

Although refrigeration is recommended by most manufacturers, it should be done with caution and consideration for safety and health. To get great tasting water, we recommend that your Brita system be stored in the refrigerator. A Brita Smart Pitcher manual OB39/42632 was reviewed as a top-performing water filter in our recent water filter review.

How long can filtered water be kept in the refrigerator?

After you have opened the container, it is best to drink it within two to three working days. The refrigerator will keep it for a while, but you can extend its shelf life there for three to five more days. The water will not be as safe to drink after that point, but it may taste less good.

What about bacteria growth in Brita filters? Brita filters tap water do not kill microorganisms found in your home water supply. The filter is not intended to kill bacteria and can become a breeding ground, especially if it isn't maintained properly.

Brita filter can you make you sick?

Your old filter can increase the bacteria in your water. The pitcher filter's moist environment is ideal for multiplication so that bacteria can grow to higher levels. If you continue to use an old filter, this can lead to illness.

Is it possible to get sick from an old refrigerator water filter?

Drinking water from a refrigerator can pose risks. You could be exposed to bacteria such as salmonella and coliform, which can affect your health, and also the quality of the water. The water filters can become clogged with bacteria, which poses unknown risks if they are not cleaned or replaced.