Asked by: Billie Maustegui
Asked in category: education, special education
Last Updated: 15th May 2024

What is text as connected discourse, and what does it mean?

A text is a connected discourse. This means that all ideas within the text must be related to one another.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What is connected discourse in writing and reading?"

Connected speech refers to spoken language used in continuous sequence, just like normal conversations. Also known as connected discourse. It is common for words to sound different when pronounced alone and in context of connected talk. (

Another question that might be asked is "What is a text in discourse analysis?" Give a brief definition for what a text is. A Text is a text that can be used in both written and spoken languages. This usually refers to a section, a portion or entire piece of writing or speech. Texts are generally governed by broad conventions and rules that determine the structure and language used in specific text types.

What are the characteristics and features of connected discourse?

Connected speech has the ability to delete or clip sounds when words are paired together. In connected speech, for example, "want" can be "wanna", or "going to" could become "gonna", and "rock and roll" could become "rock 'n roll", or "them", can become either "em" (or "dem").

What are the different types of discourse?

Types of Discourse Although every communication act can be considered a form of discourse, some scholars have divided discourse into four main types: argumentation, narration, description and exposition. In rapid succession, many acts of communication include more than one type of discourse.