Asked by: Gancho Hochreiter
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, board games and puzzles
Last Updated: 14th May 2024

What are the types of determiners?

English has four major types of determiners: quantifiers, articles and demonstratives. Each type is used to identify a noun and provides clarity and precision to the sentence.

You may also wonder, "What are the types and examples of determiners?"

There are approximately 50 different determiners for the English language. They include:

  • Articles - A, An, The.
  • Demonstratives: This, That, These, These, Which, etc.
  • Possessive determiners - My, Your, Our, Their, His, Hers, Whose, Our Friends', etc.
  • Quantifiers - Few, a few and many, each, all, every, some, etc.

What are the English grammar determiners? Four

So, what are some examples of determiners in this situation?

Identifiers Include articles (a), an, the), cardinal number (one, two or three), and ordinal numbers (1, 2, 3, and 3), as well as demonstratives (2, 3, and 4), quantifiers (3 most, all and others), different words (other), and possessive determinrs (my).

Which type of determiner does no use?

Different types of nouns can be determined using different determiners

Types of nouns Determiners
Singular countable A/an, another
Plural countable All, any, all, none, both, sufficient, fewer and more, many, more, majority, no, another, several, some
Uncountable All, any, all, sufficient, less, little and more, most of, much, none, some