Asked by: Yuriy Kalentiev
Asked in category: technology and computing, artificial intelligence
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

How can you determine the worst-case running time?

In your case k = sqrt(N). The total complexity = O(sqrt (N)3) = 0(N(3/2)). This is a wrong approach to this problem. You need to determine the most operations that can be done in order to count the worst time.

How do I calculate my running times?

To calculate running time, find the maximum number nested loops that pass through a significant amount of input.

  1. 1 loop (not nestled) = O(n).
  2. 2 loops = O(n )
  3. 3 loops = O(n )

How do you determine the best worst and most average cases? For a problem with an input size of n,

  1. Best case = the fastest possible completion time with the best inputs. Data that is already sorted would be the best case for a sorting algorithm.
  2. Worst case: slowest completion time, with minimal inputs.
  3. Average case = Arithmetic mean

It is also important to understand how the worst-case complexity is calculated.

The worst case complexity of linear search would therefore be I(n). We take all inputs to case analysis and compute time for all inputs. Add all calculated numbers and divide it by the total inputs. It is necessary to predict the distribution of cases.

How can you calculate the average case complexity?

Average-case complexity

  1. be the execution times for all possible inputs of size n, and let P1(n), P2(n), a