Asked by: Ariadnna Urbainczyk
Asked in category: education, standardized testing
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How can you create an example of an essay about act?

ACT Essay Template
  1. AP1: Introduction Paragraph. Introduction. Thesis.
  2. AP2: The First Paragraph of the Body. Your thesis should be described. Give 1st Example/reasoning. Include specific, pertinent information.
  3. AP3: Second paragraph. Continue to support your thesis. Include 2nd Example/reasoning.

This is how to write an essay about act.

Your essay should follow the following format:

  1. Introduction (with your thesis).a2-3 sentences
  2. Body Paragraph 1 (Opposing Perspective)a5-7 sentences
  3. Body Paragraph 2 (Other perspective or, if you don't discuss multiple perspectives, continue discussion of the first opposing viewpoint)a5-7 sentences

What type of essay is it? The ACT Essay is one section of the ACT. The Science, Reading, English, Math and Science Sections can be selected multiple times. However, the Essay Section will require your student to create their own work.

Similarly, does an 8 on ACT writing make a good writer?

This table shows that the average score for the ACT Writing section was 6. It is a good idea that you aim to at least the 75th per centile. In this instance, a good ACT writing score might be an 8 or higher. You would be in the 96th percentile if you score 9 or higher. That's great!

How can you score a 12 on the ACT Writing?

Make a list of evidence examples from literature, history, and personal experience that you can use to support your arguments. You can get a good idea of what it takes to write a high-scoring essay by practicing for 50 minutes. Use the ACT Writing Rubric to help you grade your essay.