Asked by: Rodger Rahamimov
Asked in category: automotive, motorcycles
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

How can you connect a 4-wire trailer to a 5-wire plug?

Rewire the Trailer
  1. The 5- Wire Harness from the trailer's tongue should be removed. Leave as much wire as you can.
  2. Connect the green wire of the 4-wire harness to the trailer's wire using a butt connector.
  3. Connect the harness's yellow, brown and white wires to the trailer's like-colored wires using butt connectors.

How do you wire a trailer using 5 wires?

On a 4-Way, the wires are usually ground, brown for running lights, yellow for left turn/brake light, green for right turn/brake lights and green to indicate that there is brake or turn lighting. The same functions will be found on a 5-Way, but there is usually a blue wire at its end for the electric reverse lockout.

How do you connect trailer wires in the same way? Attach the WHITE (ground wire) wire to your trailer frame. Attach the YELLOW/BROWN wires to the left side of the frame. Install GREEN/BROWN wires on the RIGHT side. Connect the BROWN wires (brown) to each tail lamp.

You may also be interested in knowing how to wire a 7-pin trailer plug with four wires.

How to Connect a 4 Pin Trailer Connector To a 7 Pin Connector

  1. The four-pin plug from the trailer harness should be removed. Verify that each tail light has the correct harness color code.
  2. Turn on the tail lights of your tow vehicle. Test the connector using a test light.
  3. Connect the trailer harness to the seven-pin trailer connector leads. Connect each connector by crimping it.

What is the white wire in trailer wiring?

Expert Reply: White is the ground, brown are running lights, yellow is left and green are right on a 4-Way flat-trailer wiring harness.