Asked by: Valdeci Extremo
Asked in category: science, physics
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

How can you calculate CFS

Cubic feet per Second ( Cfs).
* 1 cubic foot = 7.4805 Gallons. * One cubic foot per second equals 7.4805 gallons flowing at a specific point in one second. * 1 Cfs = 1.983 acres per day = 646,320 Gallons = 2447 cubic meters water. * 1 cfs equals 448.8 Gallons of water flowing each minute.

This is how to convert CFS into MGD.

Answer: 0.64631688969744 Assume you are converting between a million gallon/day [US] or a cubic foot/second. For more information on each measurement unit, visit cfs or million gallon/day [US]. The SI unit for volume flow rate refers to the cubic meter/second.

What is the cubic foot per second? Cusec is a measurement of flow rate. It is shorthand for cubic feet per minute (28.317 Liters per Second).

What is the flow rate formula?

Q=Vt Q =V t, in which V is volume and t the time elapsed. While the flowrate SI unit is m 3/s (but many other units are also available for Q), they are all common. The heart rate of an adult at rest pumps blood at a rate between 5.00 and 5.00 liters per hour (L/min).

What is a CFS?

Cubic feet per Second (cfs). * 1 cfs is 1.983 acres per day = 646,320 gals = 2447 cubic meters water. * 1 CFS is equivalent of 448.8 Gallons of water flowing every minute. * 38.4 miners' inches of water is equal to 1 cfs.