Asked by: Espectacion Pschorr
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

How can I take care of an old butcher block

Cleaning Your Butcher Block
Use a mild soap and a sponge to clean food debris. This will prevent food stains and ensure food safety. After rinsing off the cleanser, wipe away any excess moisture. It is surprising that soap can be used for general cleaning but not for sanitation.

This is how to take care of a butcher block.


  1. Take everything off your countertops.
  2. Use a damp cloth to wipe them.
  3. Use a dough scraper or a brush to clean the surface.
  4. Use a razor to remove any surface stains.
  5. Sand more stains using 180 and 220 grit sandpaper. (

How do you remove stains from butcher block? Combine 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup warm water. Use a cotton ball or a cloth to apply the solution to the stain. Use a damp, clean cloth to wipe the butcher block clean.

This begs the question: How often should my butcher block be oiled?

The general rule of thumb when oiling a block is to oil it once per day upon purchase, once per week for a monthly period, and once per month for the rest of your life. When the block starts to appear dry and chalky, oil it.

How can you disinfect a wooden cuttingboard?

Spray Hydrogen Peroxide on Cutting Board Surface. Hydrogen peroxide can safely and effectively disinfect the wood cutting board's surface. The board should be coated with the 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use a clean sponge to spread it. Allow it to stand for a while.