Asked by: Margarette Oramas
Asked in category: video gaming, pc games
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How can I make steam guard work for trading?

Use the following to enable Steam trade confirmations:
  1. Get Steam Protect Mobile App for your smartphone.
  2. To activate account protection, open the app and go to steam Guard -> Settings.

You might also ask: How do I enable steam guard?"

Steam Guard can be enabled in Steam Settings. You must log in to Steam client and click on "Steam Guard" in the upper left-hand corner. Next, go to Settings and click on "Manage Steam Guard Account security" under the Account tab.

Why do I need to wait seven days before I can trade on steam? Similar to items purchased on Steam's community market, CSGO items require that users wait seven days before they can be re-traded with another user. such as fraud and scams.a

Do you need Steam Guard to trade?

1 Answer. You may trade with other users who do not have Steam Guard. However, your trades will be kept back for 15 days. You cannot create Steam market orders during this time. You can trade immediately if you use the Steam mobile authenticator

What is the lifespan of Steam?

Basic maintenance of Steam servers takes place on Tuesdays. Some outages occur generally between the afternoon and evening hours at around 1-3 p.m. Pacific Time, or more.