Asked by: Morten Pragosa
Asked in category: medical health, first aid
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

How can I get my CPR card back?

These are the steps to retrieve a lost CPR Card:
  1. Visit the AHA's eCard verification site.
  2. Enter your name, email address and password.
  3. Answer the security question.
  4. Get your replacement CPR card.

How can I access my BLS card online in this regard?

Visit the eCards Search Page. Enter your First Name, Last name, and Email on the aStudenta Tab (insure that this is the same email address used to sign up for the course). OR, enter your eCard Code at the bottom of this page (ask the Training Center about this code). Click on aSearch.a

You can also look up CPR certification. CPR Certified can help you find CPR certification information. Call us at 844-277 2378 to discuss and we'll check if you have certification. Perhaps aren't sure where to find your CPR certificate . CPR Certified is here to help.

Can I reprint my CPR Card in this manner?

If a card is damaged, lost or destroyed, it is the responsibility and obligation of the AHA Training Center to issue a replacement card. All requests for duplicates or replacement cards must go directly to the Training Center which issued the original card.

How can I obtain a copy my AHA CPR Card?

The AHA's central customer service department might be able find your training records and send an electronic replacement if you have received an ecard. You can reach the American Heart Association Customer Service Department by calling 1-800-242-8721.