Asked by: Rqia Gensheimer
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How can I allow migrations?

First, we need to make it possible for migrations to take place in our context.
  1. In Package Manager Console, run the Enable - Migrations command. This command added a Migrations folder into our project.
  2. The Configuration class. This class lets you configure how Migrants behaves in your context.
  3. An InitialCreate migration .

How can I enable code migration?

Type command help migration in the Package Manager Console. Type Enable - Migrates –ContextTypeName EXPShopContext. This command creates an migration directory with InitialCreate. Configuration and cs.

How do you make a migration database? This will allow you to migrate the initial database.

  1. SQL Server Object Explorer allows you to delete your database.
  2. All existing migrations should be deleted from the Migrations folder.
  3. In Package-Management-Console type "Add-Migration InitialCreate"

How do I enable package manager console migrations?

Start the enable-migrations command by opening the Package Manager Console using Tools or a Library Package Manager.

What is automigration?

Automatic Migrations allow you to use Code First Migrations, without needing a code file for every change you make. Some changes cannot be applied automatically. For example, column renames will require a code-based Migration.