Asked by: Izel Kuniare
Asked in category: science, environment
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

How big is cupressus Goldcrest

Cupressus macrocarpa "Goldcrest" is a narrow columnar Monterey cypress selection with soft, bright-gold juvenile leaves that lasts all year. A mature specimen will reach 7.5 feet (2.25 m) in height and 1.5 m wide after 10 years. The annual growth rate is around 10 inches (25 cm).

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How big are Goldcrest conifers grown?"

Monterey Cypress 'Goldcrest" Hedge Plants Description: In summer, the leaves are lemon-scented when cut or brushed. It is quite vigorous and can grow to as high as 5 m in height, but it is happy to be kept at a lower level.

How do you care for cupressus in Goldcrest, besides the above? Lemon Cypress Indoors "Goldcrest" (Cupressus macrocarpa).

  1. Plant Feed. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer every month during active growth.
  2. Watering. Water well, but let the soil dry between waterings.
  3. Soil. Potting mix.
  4. Basic Care Summary. Allow soil to dry between waterings.

What is the growth rate of cupressus Goldcrest?

The growth rate of Cupressus macrocarpa "Goldcrest" hedges Monterey Cypress "Goldcrest" is ideal for hedging up 2m. Cupressus macrocarpa grows quickly and can reach 40-60 cm per year.

What size are lemon cypress trees?

16 feet