Asked by: Jinsong Gutman
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

High blood pressure in pregnancy is it bad?

Women who have high blood pressure during pregnancy are at greater risk for developing more severe health problems later in their lives. A 2013 study found that gestational hypertension was linked to a higher risk for ischemic heart disease (heart attack), myocardial ischemia (heart attack), and ischemic stroke.

What blood pressure is considered to be dangerous during pregnancy?

High blood pressure may indicate a concern if it is higher than 130/90mm Hg, or 15 degrees higher from the number you used before becoming pregnant. High blood pressure in pregnancy is 140 mm Hg systolic and diastolic at 90 mm Hg.

You may also wonder, "How can I lower my blood pressure while pregnant?" These are 7 natural ways to lower your blood pressure in pregnancy.

  1. Get rid of salt.
  2. Consume more whole grains and other potassium-rich foods to be healthier.
  3. Destress.
  4. Get moving.
  5. No alcohol or smoking.
  6. Pay attention to your weight.
  7. Follow the medication protocol.

What happens if your blood pressure rises during pregnancy?

Your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, or kidney disease can be increased by high blood pressure in pregnancy. PreeclampsiaaThis condition is more common in women who have high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can cause harm to baby

Preeclampsia is a condition that can lead to high blood pressure. Preeclampsia without treatment can cause liver, kidney and brain damage. It can cause life-threatening conditions such as eclampsia or HELLP syndrome in rare cases.