Asked by: Abdelwahad Fouce
Asked in category: medical health, sleep disorders
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Do I need to wash my hair before getting an EEG?

You can wash your hair as soon as possible, either the night before or on the day of the test. However, you should not use hair sprays, conditioners, or hair creams. The electrodes can stick to your scalp more easily if you use hair products.

Many people also wonder: What should I avoid before an EEG is performed?

You may be asked by your doctor to discontinue certain medications before the test. These medications include tranquilizers, sedatives, sleeping aids, and seizure medicine. Do not consume caffeine-containing foods or drinks for 12 hours prior to the test. This includes energy drinks, cola, and chocolate.

You might also be interested in knowing why you need to remain awake for an EEG. You might be asked by your doctor to have an EEG while you're asleep. Because your seizures occur while you're asleep, this could be. You might have taken a standard EEG test while you were still awake . However, it did not show any unusual electrical activity. You may be prescribed medication to help you fall asleep before the test.

Is there a way to prepare for an EEG?

Do not eat or drink caffeine-containing foods for eight hours prior to the test. If you are required to sleep during EEG, your doctor may ask that you sleep as little as possible. To help you relax and fall asleep before the test, your doctor may give you a sedative.

Can I drink alcohol the night before an EEG

Avoid taking the evening dose if the EEG is in the morning. Avoid taking sleeping pills the night prior the EEG. Drink plenty of water during the 24 hours preceding your EEG, and at least one glass of fluid within an hour before your EEG.