Asked by: Mhand Bazylnikov
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling, food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 26th Apr 2024

Do Butterball turkeys have pop up thermometers?

Butterball turkey is always our go-to, and we count on the popper to pop out when it's done. We just put it in the oven. It doesn't have a popper and we don’t have a meat thermometer.

Do Butterball turkeys also have a thermometer

Even Butterball, the brand most familiar to home cooks doesn't endorse the pop up timer. Carol Miller, supervisor of the Butterball Turkey Talk Line, said that the company's birds never, never, never had timers in their bird . They've been around for 60+ years.

The temperature at which a turkey thermometer will display is the same. 165 degrees Fahrenheit

It is also interesting to know if turkey thermometers always come out.

A lot of turkeys that you can buy at the grocery store have a pre-inserted pop up timer so you don't need to use a separate thermometer. The timer on your turkey will pop up to signal that the bird is done.

What happens if the Turkey thermometer does not pop?

These timers are the reason turkey is known for being dry. If they pop at any time, it could be too late. You and your guests could get food poisoning if they rise too early.