Asked by: Josiah Lilley
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is Airfiner cooler?

Air coolers work by evaporating water. The evaporative cooling reduces the temperature in the air. This is when the air is heated by adding vapour to it. The motor turns the water into vapour, releasing cool and refreshing air. An air cooler works by evaporating water.

So, what's the difference between AC or cooler?

Air Coolers are much cheaper than Air Conditioners. A 200 sq ft room would require a Cooler that costs Rs 6000-8800, while a Cooler will cost around Rs 35000-40000. Air conditioners use 80-90% more electricity than air coolers, even when we consider electricity consumption.

Furthermore, do evaporative coolers cool a room? These systems are great for humid environments because they dehumidify the room and cool it. Although an evaporative cooler can cool your home, it is important to keep your relative humidity below 50%.

You may also wonder if fans make you feel cooler.

The electricity driving the fan transforms directly into heat. A fan does not cool any room. The fan blows air around to make it easier for sweat to escape from your skin. This is how you remove body heat. The greater the evaporation, you will feel cooler.

Is it really cooler to breathe air?

Air coolers work by cooling the air through the use of heat energy. A portable air cooler needs water to function, and some models suggest adding ice to increase its effectiveness.