Asked by: Prospera Fedder
Asked in category: technology and computing, information and network security
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Contra A root?

contra- contra- 1 ,prefix. contra-1,prefix. Contraband, contraception and contradict are examples of this meaning.

Is contra also a root word?

The prefix contra and its variant counter- are synonyms for aoppositea and aagainst. For example, contra and contra were used to create the words contrast and contradiction, while counter and counterfeit were created by the variant spelling of counter-

What are words that start with Contra? 10 letter words that begin with contra

  • contractor.
  • contrarian.
  • contradict.
  • contraband.
  • contravene.
  • contrabass.
  • contracted.
  • contraltos.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What is the meaning of Contra?"

Contra- word-forming element that means "against in opposition", from Latin adverbs and prepositions contra ("against") (see contra (prep.., adv.). )). In Late Latin, the Latin word was used in prefix. It was first used in French as contre-, and later became counter-.

Is contra a Greek or Latin root?

Latin's prefix contra- means aagainsta or opposition.a Greek's prefix hyper- is a overa or excessive.a This worksheet will teach students how to use each prefix to create five English words from the word bank.