Asked by: Kalinka Neureiter
Asked in category: pets, reptiles
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What insect lays purple eggs

These could be moth eggs. Some moths from the family Noctuidae may have purplish eggs. They are usually placed on tree bark, or similar.

It's simple, which animal lays purple eggs.

Hen lays purple eggs - no comment.

You might also wonder which insect lays most eggs. Insects can reproduce quickly and the African driver-ant, which can lay 3-4 million eggs per 25 days, is considered to be the most generous. The gray partridge of North America lays 22 eggs per day, an average of 16-18 eggs.

This begs the question: What kind of bug lays these black eggs?

Shield Bugs There are two types of stink bugs: some species lay black eggs with a fringe at the top and others lay red eggs in groups of 20-30. Stink bugs are also known as shield insects. They feed on sawflies, moths and other weevil species that cause damage to ornamental and agricultural plants.

What kind of insect lays eggs in circles?

Because their wings are so clear, they are known as Lacewings. They lay their eggs in a spiral design, which I think is a unique feature compared to other bugs.