Asked by: Adina Wohlfahrt
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What does the person vs. person conflict refer to?

Person vs.
This type of conflict sees a character fighting between two opposing desires, usually one good or one evil. The Call of the Wild is a great example of this. The protagonist, which in this case is a dog, must choose between his wild and domesticated selves.

People also ask: What is the best example of conflict between man and self?

This type of conflict is illustrated in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea and Moby, Dick by Herman Melville. Man versus himself: This conflict arises from the protagonist's inner struggles and can be based on a character trying decide between good or evil, or overcome self-doubts.

What are the four types of conflicts, other than those mentioned above? The conflict created by the opposing force is generally divided into four main types: Conflict with oneself, Conflict with another, Conflict with their environment, and Conflict with nature. The most powerful conflict is with oneself, which is the inner battle that a character faces.

You should also know what an example of conflict between person and society is.

Being wrongly accused, racism, segregation and religious beliefs, as well as being expelled from society, are just a few examples of ways that someone can get into trouble with their community. It is also possible to see it as one against many.

What is the difference between man and the supernatural?

Man vs. Fate or . The Supernatural conflict is when the protagonist finds herself or himself in conflict with a powerful supernatural force or vengeful God. The Man vs conflict requires that the protagonist accept his or her humanity and limitations. Fate conflict.