Asked by: Arvin Yearzaga
Asked in category: fine art, design
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What is bind-in socket programming?

bind() creates a relationship between your socket and all addresses on your host. You can, for example, bind a socket to all addresses or a particular IP that has been configured by the host's network adapter.

What is socket programming, then?

Listen() marks a socket-mode socket (for instance, SOCK_STREAM), as accepting connections. It limits the number of connections that remain in the socket's listen buffer to the value specified with the backlog argument.

The next question is: Do I need to bind UDP sockets? Because UDP sockets are not connected, you must bind() them in the client. This is because the stack cannot know which program to deliver datagrams for a specific port.

Another question is: What is the difference between connect and bind?

bind() makes the socket listen for incoming calls on a specific interface/port. It's used by servers for responding to incoming requests. connect() causes a socket to establish a connection with an address/port that is served by a other socket. It's used to connect clients to a server.

What is socket? How does it work?

Client and server communication is common with sockets. Clients connect to the server, exchange data, then disconnect. The typical flow of events in a socket is as follows: A socket on the server waits for client requests in a connection-oriented client/server model.