Asked by: Onel Toguzov
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Charming Billy, where have you been? What event makes Paul afraid of Paul?

This story is set during the Vietnam War. It's Paul’s first day. He is struggling to overcome anxiety and fear. One soldier from his platoon died of a heart attack. He was literally afraid to death.

Similar questions are asked: How does the story in Where Have You Gone Charming Bill end?

The story reveals that he accidentally stepped on a landmine and had his foot blown off. He dies after he is told that he will survive. Ironically, instead of dying from his foot being blown off as you would expect, he actually scares himself to death.

Charming Billy foreshadowing: Where have you been Charming Billy? Foreshadowing: I don't want you to be scared. You will soon be used to it. "

This in mind, Paul continues to laugh in Where Have You Gone Charming Billy

Paul's fear and Billy Boy Watkins' death, a fellow soldier, are the two main themes of the story. Watkins died from a heart attack on that day. The platoon moves silently to avoid enemy attention.

Why does Toby keep Paul quiet?

He asks Paul not to laugh because he wants safe passage to the sea. Paul attempts to overcome his fear by denying it, distracting from it, and laughing through it.