Asked by: Emerita Terstegge
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Are you able to stand on granite?

Do not sit or stand on the granite countertop
These striations can crack under excess weight. Don't climb on or stand on countertops to access things such as light bulbs, paint, or other items. It's safer to use a step ladder or a sturdy stool.

It is also asked, "Can I place a hot pot on granite countertops?"

Granite is the No. Granite is a No. Quartz is a Yes. However, it can cause discoloration if hot pans are placed in the same spot on the countertop as granite.

The next question is: Can you stand on your kitchen countertops? It is obvious that you shouldn't sit or stand on quartz countertops. It is durable, but it is not a countertop. It should not be used as a platform or seat to sit on.

Can I also cut directly on my granite countertop, as mentioned above?

You can still cut and chop granite directly, but unless you plan to use your Laguiole knives regularly, it is best to use a cutting table. Granite is very resistant to heat, acid, scratches, and cold. Your granite countertop is an investment.

What weight can granite countertops support?

3/4a3 (20mm thick slab): 12.8 lbs. sq. sq.