Asked by: Slimane Ruchames
Asked in category: healthy living, childrens health
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Are vitamin D drops able to make my baby sick?

The doctor might prescribe a lower dose for formula-fed infants and infants who are partially breastfed or have not consumed 1 liter of formula daily. Too much vitamin D can lead to nausea, vomiting, weakness of the muscles, joint pain, confusion, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

What about vitamin D drops that can upset baby's stomachs?

Some products your doctor might have recommended can cause stomach upset and contain questionable artificial colors or preservatives. Vitamin D drops with only two ingredients, usually MCT oil or coconut oil, are available if one is in need.

Can babies become allergic to vitamin D drops? If you notice any symptoms of high vitamin D/calcium levels, such as nausea/vomiting or increased thirst, decreased appetite, increased urination, mental/mood change, unusual tiredness, or constipation, tell your doctor immediately. It is very rare for this drug to cause a serious allergic reaction.

You might also be interested in: Can vitamin D drops cause stomach upset?

Baby Droppers May Contain Too Much Vitamin D. According to the FDA, excess vitamin D can lead to nausea, vomiting, loss appetite, constipation and muscle weakness. It can also cause muscle and joint pains.

Can vitamin D drops cause diarrhea infants?

Stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea can be signs of vitamin D intoxication (15). High doses of vitaminD may cause these symptoms. The child stopped taking vitamins 17 and these symptoms disappeared.