Asked by: Leon Yaelle
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Are pressure-treated lumber and gardens bad?

With a few exceptions, "new" pressure-treated wood can be used for raised garden frames. The most commonly used preservative for pressure treated wood up to 2003 was chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA), which is a compound that uses arsenic in its primary rot protector.

Will pressure-treated wood also harm plants?

Chaney says that high levels of inorganic Arsenic in soil can cause the death of plants before there is enough arsenic within them to be safe to eat.

What kind of wood should I use to make raised beds? Wood Options for Raised Garden Boxes

  • Redwood and Black Locust are the best options for raised garden boxes due to their longevity. They are naturally resistant to rot and can last up to 20+ years.
  • Cedar is another wood that resists rot. It can be used for up to ten years and it looks stunning.

This is a great question. Can you raise a garden bed using treated lumber?

You can use treated lumber to make raised vegetable garden beds. The fungicide stops soil fungus attacking the lumber. It also works to repel insects, such as termites. Copper is also used as a fungicide in food crops and is disinfectant in pool chemicals.

What is the life expectancy of pressure-treated wood in dirt?

Forest Products Laboratory and other research groups found that treated wood stakes left in the ground for over 40 years are rot-free. Young pressure-treated decks less than 10 years of age are being thrown away in landfills.