Asked by: Colleen Harmolle
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, painting
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

Are Home Inspectors trained to test for lead?

While many home inspectors will test for lead paint, not all of them will. Be sure to inquire. You can also hire a certified inspector by entering information about your address on the Lead Abatement page at A certified inspector can remove lead paint if it is found. However, it will be more expensive.

How much does a home inspection cost?

A typical inspection of lead-based paint in a three-bedroom, two bathroom home costs between $350 and $450. A home inspection that reveals lead-based paint may require you to hire a lead risk assessmentor to determine if the paint is a health risk.

Beside above, do home inspectors test water? Water inspection (approximately 150): If your home is connected to a well, water testing is a must. water must be tested to determine hardness, metals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead. Also, the home should be tested for lead paint and mold.

Do I require a lead-based paint inspection?

For homes built before 1978, it is recommended that you have a lead-based test performed. However, this may not be necessary. There are many things to take into consideration. Even at low levels, lead-based paint can pose a danger to your health. It has been linked to numerous health problems, especially for children under 6 years old and pregnant women.

What is the maximum time buyers can inspect lead for?

10 days