Asked by: Boutros Wickenheisser
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, judaism
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

Who were the Babylonian gods?

Babylonian Gods
  • Marduk was the primary god among the Babylonians, and had Babylon as his principal city. Marduk
  • Nergal – God of the Underworld, Nergal was an evil god that brought about war and famine upon the people.
  • Tiamat – Goddess of the sea Tiamat is depicted as a giant dragon.
  • Shamash - Babylonian version Utu.

Similar to the Babylonians, which gods did they believe in?

Babylonians believed in polytheism and believed there were many gods who ruled over different parts of the universe. They believed Marduk was the patron saint of Babylon, and that he was their king god.

Also, find out what religion the Babylonians practiced. Babylonian religion refers to the religious practice of Babylonia. Babylonian mythology was heavily influenced by their Sumerian counterparts. It was written on clay tablets with the cuneiform script, derived from Sumerian. The myths were written in Sumerian and Akkadian.

You may also wonder, "How many gods were there in ancient Babylon?"


Who is the god or goddess of the Anunnaki

Enlil, the god god of air and chief god in the Sumerian pantheon, was the oldest Anunnaki. The Sumerians believed heaven and earth were interconnected until Enlil was created. Enlil split heaven and earth and took away the earth, while his father An took away the sky.