Asked by: Malorie Caumanns
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling, food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What temperature should meat?

around 145AdegF

What temperature should meat be cooked?

To ensure safe food, use proper cooking temperatures. When cooking meat or eggs at your home, there are three important temperatures you should remember: Eggs and all ground beef must be cooked to 160F; poultry and fowl must be cooked to 165F; fresh meat steaks, chops, and roasts to 140F. To check the temperature, use a thermometer.

Secondly, at what temperature should meat be cooked to UK standards? Refer to the Internal Temperature Reference Chart For Meats & Poultry

Medium-Rare 130AdegF - 135AdegF 55AdegC to 60%AdegC
Medium 140AdegF - 145AdegF 60AdegC to65AdegC
Medium-Well 150AdegF to 155.5AdegF 65AdegC to 70%
Well Done 160AdegF or more 70AdegC or more

What temperature is beef at?


What is the 2 hour, 4 hour rule?

This 2 hour/ 4-hour Rule shows you how long fresh potentially hazardous foods*, such as cooked meat, dairy products, and prepared fruits and veggies, can be kept at temperatures within the danger zone. That is between