Asked by: Hallouma Puelles
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

In simple terms, what is an organelle?

organelle. An organelle , which is a small component of a cell with a specific function or job, is called a organelle . An organelle is the nucleus. Organelle is a diminutive form of organ. It refers to the idea that organelles support each individual cell, just as organs support the entire body.

What is the definition of an organelle kid?

For kids, organelle facts. An organelle in cell biology is a component of a cell that performs a particular job. Organelles have their own plasma membrane around them. The cytoplasm contains most of the organelles cells. Organelles are a term that refers to structures in cells similar to organs.

What does organelle literally mean? Organelle literally means "little orphans". The body is made up of many organs. Cells also have "little organs", which perform specific functions. They are generally membrane-bound structures or compartments within a cell.

What is an example and an organelle?

Organelle. An Organelle is an eukaryotic cell structure that functions in a similar way to an organ. Bacterial cells don't contain organelles and intracellular membrane-bound structure. Organelles include the lysosomes and nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic retina, and the nucleus.

What is the function of 10 organelles?

The major organelles and structures of the cell cytoplasm include (1) nucleolus (2) nuclear (3) ribosomes (4) vesicles (5) rough endoplasmic retina (6) Golgi apparatus ((7) cytoskeleton ((8) smooth endoplasmicreticulum (9) mitochondria (10) vacuole (12) lysosome (13) lysosome (13) centrriole (13)