Asked by: Lennon Atorf
Asked in category: pets, reptiles
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Are fleas likely to die in cold temperatures?

Fleas can be a problem all year round in warmer climates where temperatures rarely drop below freezing. However, some pet owners enjoy colder weather as they believe it kills the insects. This is not always true. Fleas can be killed by prolonged freezing temperatures, but they have developed ways to survive in cold environments.

What temperature are fleas able to die in their environment?

Temperatures below 46.4AdegF (8AdegC) and higher than 95AdegF (35%AdegC) are the death places for adult cat fleas. The low-end extreme of immature fleas temperatures is 55.4AdegF (13AdegC). Adults can live in cold temperatures during winter while being surrounded by warm-bodied hosts.

Fleas can also die in dryers. Fleas cannot survive in the dryer. It is recommended that you wash your bedding and garments for 10 minutes at 140F to kill fleas. Dry them at the highest heat setting. Fleas will be drowned by the detergent and water in the washer.

Do fleas die in winter, keeping this in mind

Fleas don't hibernate and do not become inactive during winter. Fleas are opportunistic and will ride their pets into the house and stay there for the cold seasons. Their sole purpose is to repopulate and feed. Fleas can't survive in freezing temperatures so they won't be leaving.

Fleas are afraid of the cold

A Fleas are able to thrive at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They can complete their entire life cycle in a matter of weeks if they stay around that temperature, according to Dr. But cold temperatures won't kill flea egg , they just slow down their life cycle. The winter can be a good time for fleas to hatch.