Asked by: Xela Furmansk
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Will sunlight kill ringworm?

Ringworm can also be killed by sunlight. Dr. Angus suggests that you can leave anything that isn't able to be thrown out outside in order to eliminate ringworm contamination.

Is sunlight good for ringworm or bad?

This irritating fungal infection is actually a form of ringworm. It thrives in warm, moist areas like the inner thighs and genitals. Itchy, red rash appears. This is not a good way to enjoy the sun in comfort.

Is heat able to kill ringworm, in addition to the above? This 2013 study in Veterinary Dermatology provides more details about the effectiveness of different cleaning compounds against ringworm spores. It is also possible to use high heat (>110oF).

This begs the question: Can sunlight kill fungus?

Infectious bacteria and viruses can be killed by sunlight, according to scientific literature from the 1940s. His own experience with treating fungal infection by sun therapy was positive. Another early research found that bacteria up to eight feet away from low-intensity ultraviolet lights could be killed within ten minutes.

How do you kill ringworm quickly?

Antifungals available over-the-counter can be used to kill the fungus or promote healing. Clotrimazole (Desenex), miconazole, and Terbinafine (Lamisil) are all effective treatments. Apply a thin layer antifungal medication to the area after cleaning it.