Asked by: Nieva Konker
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu, medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Why is the hematocrit so much higher in males than it is in females?

Men have higher mean red cell mass and hematocrit than women. This means that females have greater tissue oxygenation for a given amount of red cells. This suggests that females need to have better tissue red cell delivery.

This is why hemoglobin levels are higher in males than in females.

Blood biochemicals: Hemoglobin levels were higher in males than they were for females. This may be because testosterone causes the kidneys to produce more of erythropoietin, which accelerates the process (Murphy 2014).

The next question is: Why is the average hematocrit higher for males than it is for females? Higher testosterone levels men encourages more RBC manufacturing.

What is the primary reason for the differences in the average hematocrit between males and women?

Males have higher hematocrits (Hcts) than females. It is not clear what causes this -based distinction. This situation was explained by polymorphisms in the EPO (erythropoietin) or EPOR (erythropoietin receptor). We discovered previously reported polymorphisms both in the EPOR and EPO genes.

Why is the hematocrit at higher altitudes higher?

EPO is stimulated by lower oxygen levels at high altitudes, which results in increased red blood cell count or hematocrit. This allows for more oxygen to reach the tissues. This stimulates erythropoietin and increases the hematocrit (red cell count).