Asked by: Argider Kamphues
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality, home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

Why is my electric furnace clicking?

If clicking persists, especially when the furnace is running at its most, it could indicate that the heat exchanger, which heats metal through the air, has developed a crack. The crack is causing the metal's expansion and contraction, which in turn causes the clicking sound. The element itself could also be damaged.

Is my furnace making a clicking sound?

Common causes of a furnace clicking sound include: Gas valve a A clogged, jammed or broken valve might not let out gas. The ignition flame a Sometimes the flame is too cold to effectively burn the oil or gas.

Also, what is the reason my thermostat makes a clicking sound when it turns on? It is normal for thermostats to make clicking sounds. This is because the relay opens and closes to allow the heat system to work. It should not be noticeable but you can reduce it by insulating the area around the electrical box where it is mounted.

How can I stop my vents clicking?

The duct hangers contracting and expanding can often cause the popping and tickling. These sounds can be reduced or stopped entirely by placing rubber or foam between the hangers and the duct. These sounds can be reduced or stopped by insulating the ducts.

Why does my central heating make clicking sounds?

Air in the heating system can also cause noises in the central heating pipes. Radiators that require bleeding can cause light tapping sounds, clicking or even a gurgling sound. This is the most common reason for a boiler installation to bang pipes.