Asked by: Renaldo Romalde
Asked in category: events and attractions, zoos and aquariums
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What are the most common characteristics for an otter?

Many are small with short ears and noses and long tails and dense, soft fur. There are 13 species, from the tiny otter up to the large -clawed otter . Although most species live in freshwater rivers and lakes, wetlands and wetlands they can also be found in the Pacific Ocean with the exception of the sea otter, which is smaller than the marine otter.

You may also wonder, "What are the common characteristics of an otter?"

The adorable and charming Otter is a small, friendly creature that radiates positive energy. They are intelligent and bright and they are very lovable. They are able to mix well with many animal personalities.

What color is an otter? Coloration. Otters can be found in a variety of brown colors (light cinnamon and dark ), which have a darker dorsal surface (backside) and a lighter ventral (underside). Some species have sharp, distinct color boundaries. Others are more subtle.

What are otters also known for?

They are known for eating hard-shelled marine invertebrates such as abalones and sea urchins. Sea otter's high metabolism means that they can consume as much as 11kg per day, which is about 25% of their own body weight.

Why do otters smell so bad?

However, there is one thing that makes them so troublesome for some people who have had to deal with them. They stink. Their anal glands produce a strong and unpleasant smell. They also have a strong and disagreeable smell.