Asked by: Emelda Jakintza
Asked in category: technology and computing, wearable technology
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

Why doesn't my app for health work?

These steps will fix the issue: Instead of opening the Settings App, open the Health app. Once you're inside, tap Health data and locate Fitness. Tap on Running Distance and then toggle Show on Dashboard.

Is the health app not tracking my steps?

The Privacy settings may have been misaligned. This could explain why Health app is not tracking steps in 13/12.4. To double-check that you have enabled Health in your Privacy settings, follow the steps. Navigate to Settings on iPhone, then to Privacy, and then to Motion & Fitness.

How do I also restore Apple Health app Restore an app you have removed

  1. Go to the App store on your iOS device.
  2. Look for the app. Be sure to use the exact app name. Make sure you know the name of any built-in apps.
  3. Tap to restore the app
  4. Wait for the app's restoration to take place, then you can open it from your home screen.

Many people also wonder: How do I access my health app to track my steps and how can I do that?

Health Mate Android App - Tracking and logging my steps with my Android phone

  1. Open the Health Mate App.
  2. Go to your Dashboard.
  3. Click on Activity.
  4. Tap on Activate now. The steps will be tracked by your mobile device.

What happened to my iPhone's health app?

The Health app collects data from your iPhone, Apple Watch and other apps so that you can see all of your progress in one place. Health automatically tracks your running, walking, and steps. Apple Watches automatically track your Activity data.