Asked by: Zhi Iannucci
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

My bathtub is not draining.

Tub clogs can be caused by hair buildup and other debris. First, remove the tub drain blocker. Place the plunger's head over the drain and then start to plunge until the water stops draining.

Another question is: How do you unclog your drain with standing water?


  1. Remove all blockages from the drain.
  2. Take out all water that remains in the tub or sink.
  3. If there is an overflow drain, clean it and then plug it using a rag.
  4. Start by dipping your fingers into the drain and pushing in and out.
  5. To clear any blockages, run hot water down the drain 5-10 minutes.

What home remedy is there to unclog my tub? One cup baking soda, one cup vinegar, and one teaspoon salt are all you need. Make sure that there is no water in your tub. the baking powder should be poured into your drain. Next, the salt and the vinegar. If all goes according to plan, you will see lots of foam.

How do you fix a slow-draining bathtub?

Keep a few things on hand to help you fix your slow bathtub drain.

  1. Put 1/2 cup baking soda in the drain. Follow up with 1 cup of white vinegar.
  2. Placing a plunger over the opening of the bathtub drain, plunge four to five more times.
  3. In drains that are blocked by heavy material, a pipe snake is a good choice.

How can you clear a blocked bathtub using standing water?

What you'll need to do

  1. Put 1 cup of water in your sink.
  2. The half-cup of baking soda should be thrown out.
  3. Combine the vinegar and your second cup of water.
  4. Add the vinegar/water mixture to the drain. The baking soda will be added. Things will bubble/fizz. This is good!