Asked by: Anelia Ratberger
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is an indolent blemish in a dog's eyes?

Indolent Ulcers in Dogs. Indolent Ulcers are a type of corneal stroma where the epithelium (or outer layer) is not able to adhere to the stroma (or underlying layer). Boxers and certain breeds of dogs are more likely to be affected.

How do you treat a dog's eye ulcer?

Aconitum napellus (30c) (monkshood), may be used to relieve the pain and inflammation in the dog's ulcerated eye. The dog should be given two or three whole pellets. One hour prior to or after the treatment, you should not give your dog any food. After waiting 30 days, assess the dog's health and then repeat the treatment as necessary.

How long does it take for an eye ulcer to heal? Two to three weeks

A corneal ulcer can cause blindness in dogs.

Untreated corneal ulcers can lead to blindness in your dog. Your veterinarian may recommend the following treatment if your dog develops an eye ulcer: If necessary, treatment of the underlying cause.

Is it possible for dogs to recover from the effects of eye ulcers?

The good news is that eyes heal quickly, so if you have complications, an ulcer will heal in a matter of days. An eye can be permanently damaged if the ulcer is not treated by a veterinary professional.