Asked by: Hazael Fern
Asked in category: technology and computing, smartphones
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

Who owns Primus Internet?

Primus Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary, is McLean, Virginia-based Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated. (OTCBB : PMUG). has additional information.

Who is the primus owner?

Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated, McLean, Virginia, Primus Canada Inc.

The question now is: Is Primus owned or controlled by Telus? Primus is Canada's largest alternative communications company, and offers home phone, long-distance and wireless deals. It competes with Canada's cable and phone companies. Primus Canada, a subsidiary of Primus Telecommunications Group Incorporated in Virginia, is a wholly owned subsidiary.

It is also asked if Primus is owned by Rogers.

Rogers Communications Inc. announced Wednesday that it had purchased a subsidiary of Primus Telecommunications Group Inc.'s data centre division for $200-million.

Is Primus internet good?

Primus Home Internet plans are unlimited and offer a wide range of speeds. Primus Home Internet Plans are very similar to Rogers or Bell's Home Internet Plans, but they do have the same high monthly fees as Rogers and can be subject to contract traps.