Asked by: Clemence Oehlrich
Asked in category: medical health, ear nose and throat conditions
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

Why does the auditory tube open into the Nasopharynx, and why?

What's the purpose of the auditory tube opening into the nasal cavity? The auditorytube allows air between the cavity in the middle ear, and the external environment. Air pressure is therefore equal on both ends of the eardrum.

Know what tubes lead to the nasopharynx.

The middle ear connects to the pharynx via the auditory tubes. At the pharyngeal entrance of the tube, the auditory tube opens into the nasal cavity. The auditory tubes' opening and closing serve to equalize the middle ear's barometric pressure with the ambient environment.

What is the purpose and function of the auditory tubes? The eustachian canal is a channel that connects the middle and upper ear to the Nasopharynx. This is made up of the upper throat, back of the nasal cavity, and the middle ear. It regulates the pressure in the middle ear and makes it equal to the pressure outside.

Hence, into which direction do the auditory tubes open?

The auditory tubes, also called the Eustachian tube, start in the middle of the ear behind the eardrum. The tubes then descend to the nasopharynx where they exit along its lateral walls. The tubes are usually closed but are often opened when we move, stretch or chew.

What causes the eustachian tubes to open during swallowing?

At rest, the normal eustachian tubes collapses with possibly slight negative middle ear pressure. Repeated opening the Eustachian tube keeps normal atmospheric pressure. The eustachian tubes opens when you swallow or yawning, by contracting the tensor Veli Palatini muscle.