Asked by: Jandira Nottebaum
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How do I clean my Frigidaire dishwasher filter?

The dishwasher can self-clean .
Place a cup containing white vinegar on top of the dishwasher's bottom rack. The dishwasher should be run on the longest cycle. This will clean the dishwasher of any unpleasant odors. You may need to run the cycle with vinegar multiple times if your dishwasher is extremely dirty.

How do I clean the dishwasher filter?


  1. Locate the filteraa cylindrical tube which twists into place on the floor by removing the dishwasher's bottom rack.
  2. To remove the cylindrical filter at the top, twist it to release.
  3. Wash the filter(s), by hand, in warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly with running water.

The next question is: Where is the filter for Frigidaire Gallery dishwashers? Take the lower rack out of your dishwasher. The filter assembly can be found at the bottom of your dishwasher's interior. The Frigidaire 18" Built-In Dishwasher filter assembly consists of three parts: a main filter attached and a cup. A cylindrical fine filter sits inside.

You may also be interested in: Why does my Frigidaire dishwasher stop cleaning?

Frigidaire dishwasher not cleaning. Open the water inlet valve to allow water to the dishwasher. If the valve becomes blocked or defective, your dishwasher will not receive enough water to properly clean dishes. Avoid cleaning the water inlet valve. It could cause it to fail.

How can you reset a Frigidaire dishwasher

Resetting the dishwasher. For at least three seconds, hold down the cancel button. The cancel button is located on the far right side of the control panel. Hold this button down for three seconds to reset the dishwasher.