Asked by: Giedrius Star
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Why does metals remove hydrogen from acids?

Because metals are above hydrogen in reactivity, they displace hydrogen from acids. This results in the formation a salt or hydrogen gas.

Know which metal can replace hydrogen in an acid?

Dilute acids are displaced by metals that react more than hydrogen. Examples include sodium and potassium. Metals less reactive than Hydrogen don't replace them. Copper and silver are two examples.

What do metals take away from acids when they react? Inactive metals are unable to displace hydrogen ions from acids while active metals can. In that an acid reacts with a metallic , the type and amount of salt produced differs depending on the reaction. Sulfuric acid makes sulfate salts; hydrochloric acid makes chloride salts.

Second, why does metals replace hydrogen in acids?

Answer: Hydrogen can only be substituted by adding electrons to the H+ ions. Metals are electron donors because they have a tendency lose electrons. This is why metals can displace hydrogen in dilute acids.

Can lead replace hydrogen from acids?

Metals that react more than hydrogen can replace hydrogen from acids. These metals are sodium, potassium and lead, as well as zinc.