Asked by: Krystin Samb
Asked in category: education, standardized testing
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

How can I prepare for Delft?

These are 10 steps that will guide you in the right direction.
  1. Register and plan in advance
  2. Learn the format of DELF exam.
  3. Learn the grading-passing system.
  4. Recognize your weakest points.
  5. Learn DELF preparation Guide.
  6. All DELF preparation exercise.
  7. Memorize ales formules de politessea

It is also asked, "Is the DELF b2 difficult?"

DELF B2 is well-known as a stage in the learning process. This stage is where you can become fluent in French, although not always. To pass the DELF B2, you will need to have a good knowledge of the French language. How difficult is the DELFB2?

The next question is: How difficult is Delf A1? You will pass the exam if you understand everything but not the basics of the language. Hi, A1 level is easy for an average English speaker. French grammar is difficult because grammar is the foundation of all languages.

You may also wonder, "What is a good Delf score?"

The average DELF score was 69.94/100 (70%). Students scored the highest on the written comprehension component. Next came oral production and then oral comprehension. The overall average score for each DELF level was 79% for Level A2, 72% at Level B1, 62% at Level B2, and 62% at Level B2.

What is the length of the DELF exam?

The test lasts approximately 1 hour 40 minutes. The overall pass score is 50/100. Each section has a pass mark of 5/25. This section is approximately 25 minutes long and worth 25 marks.