Asked by: Aboubaker Udias
Asked in category: home and garden, home improvement
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

Who and where was the first poinsettia that was brought to the United States from which country in the year?


Just so. Who and where was the first poinsettia imported to the United States from?


Where was the poinsettia also discovered? While visiting Taxco in 1828, Joel Roberts Poinsett Bio (Bio), discovered a ruby-red-blommed plant. He was so impressed with it that he sent clippings from his home in Charleston.

Also, was it the year that the first poinsettia arrived in the United States?


Who was the original cultivator of poinsettias?

Poinsettia cultivation was first started by the Aztecs. The US was first to cultivate poinsettias when Joel Roberts Poinsett, a diplomat, sent some plants back to South Carolina from his greenhouses in 1820s.