Asked by: Ming Trilles
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, genealogy and ancestry
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

Who was Hecuba during the Trojan War?

Children: Hector. Paris

Consider this: Who was Andromache in The Trojan War, then?

Andromache is a Greek legend. She was the daughter of EAtion, a princess of Thebe, Mysia, and Hector, a son of King Priam, Troy. All of her relationships were destroyed when Troy was captured by Achilles.

Also, find out who killed Hecuba. Achilles kills Hecuba in Troilus' other classic works. Hecuba is the main character in two Euripides plays: The Trojan Women, and Hecuba.

How did Hecuba also die?

Hecuba, the daughter of Priam, and Hecuba, was the betrothed to Achilles. Paris killed him at their wedding in the temple of Thymbraean Apollo. The shade of Achilles demanded that he be exonerated with his blood. She was then sacrificed to him on his funeral pyre.

What is Hecuba famous for?

Hecuba Hecabe, also known as Hecabe, was the queen of Troy according to Greek mythology. She was the wife of King Priam, and mother of nineteen children, including Hector, Paris, and Casandra .