Asked by: Darlene Abakumtsev
Asked in category: business and finance, financial regulation
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Who is exempted from reporting CTR?

The CTR Exemptions Rule is focused on the definition of "exempt person". Banks can exempt currency transactions exceeding $10,000 from reporting if they involve one of the following "exempt people": A bank outside the United States.

Are banks exempted from CTR filing in this instance?

Transactions in currency by listed companies or their subsidiaries, as well as government departments and agencies and banks are exempted from reporting under Phase 1. Businesses that satisfy certain requirements can exempt transactions in currency from CTR reporting under Phase 2.

Are churches exempted from reporting on CTR? Is it possible to exempt churches from CTR reporting? The church does not have a corporation. They can be found on the Texas State Comptrollers website, showing that they are exempt of franchise tax. There are employees at the church.

Another question is: Who must file a CTR form?

A: Every financial institution, other than the U.S. A FinCEN CTR must be filed by each financial institution (other than the U.S. Postal Service) for every withdrawal, currency exchange, payment, or transfer that involves more than $10,000 in currency.

What is considered to be a Phase I exclusion?

Phase I defines exempt entities as any bank, credit union, government entity or publicly traded company that is listed on a major stock market. The exemptions for Phase I do not apply to franchises or companies that are not owned by the publicly traded firm.